Since purchasing the property in 2019, Rob and Lisa both gardening and DIY enthusiasts, have focussed on making the garden a relaxing, self-sustainable and fun environment to meet the needs of their family. They have created several “garden rooms” that can be used through out the year.
With a drive to build a sustainable way of living, there are several spaces dedicated to growing food, including a vegetable garden, raised garden beds for growing an assortment of berries and a chicken pen. The recent addition of a glasshouse means that fruit and vegetables can continue to grow through the colder months. The garden has also been designed to create an indoor/outdoor living experience, with a covered gazebo and pizza oven nestled within the well-established rhododendrons to allow the family to enjoy the outdoors whatever the weather.
Treetops has an extensive collection of rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias, lavenders and rose bushes. In spring the garden has wonderful blossoms, and spring bulbs are in full display including daffodils, snowdrops, crocus and tulips. There are several sandstone paths through the formal gardens and around the house that allow you to explore the gardens. For the more adventurous there is a walkway through the Pine Tree Forest Trail that leads to a children’s adventure playground including tree house, climbing equipment, and flying fox.
This is the second year that this garden has opened for the Leura Gardens Festival, and it also has the privilege of being the first Wentworth Falls Garden to be included within the Festival. The owners welcome you and hope you enjoy the experience, 4 Mimosa Road, Wentworth Falls.
Instagram: tree_tops_blue_mountains